Unicorn Disco & Games Party
Believe in Unicorns
Starlight the Unicorn will arrive to your party in a bright an colourful costume, ready to party
During the party there will be lots of chances to win sweets and prizes. There will also be fun party dancing, stickers and bubbles. This unicorn themed party is great for both girls and boys.
Unicorn Party Games
Sparkly Statues
Who has the best pose to win a sticker in this fun game of Sparkly Statues
Unique Unicorn
4 pictures of Unicorns will be displayed around the room. When the music stops which Unicorn will you choose to win some yummy sweets
Unicorn Suprise
(Played with 20 children or less)
When the music stops who be the lucky one to be holding Daisy and win a prize?
Unicorn Dash
In one big team you must quickly collect all the Unicorn balls and return them to Twinkle
No party would be complete without a game of limbo
Unicorn Rescue
Unicorns love to play, but oh no they have got stuck on the Island. In teams can you help to save them?